Amy Harpell-LeMien, Branch and Business Development Manager.
Amy Harpell-LeMien is thriving as the recently hired Branch and Business Development Manager of the Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) Route 104 office in Meredith. In this position, Harpell-LeMien stewards customer engagement, employee management and leadership for the banking team based in that office.
Harpell-LeMien replaces Jessica Ruel who now leads MVSB’s Laconia office.
“Amy brings a calming and grounded leadership style to the Route 104 office,” said Marcus Weeks, Senior Vice President and Retail Banking Officer. “Her knowledge and expertise empowers employees, while her sincerity and competency endears her to customers. She has excelled in this position and we’re happy to have her on the team. She will be able to take the excellent standards set by Jessica and continue to develop them.”
“Being a part of this wonderful community and working with a team who truly embody MVSB’s values is what drew me to work here most,” added Harpell-LeMien. “It’s been very rewarding to contribute as much as I possibly can to continue our Bank’s legacy of service to the Lakes Region and beyond.”
Harpell-LeMien has enjoyed a banking career that spans nearly 17 years. She has had experience in a variety of capacities within community banking including branch office management and supervising, and also developed operational expertise in loan servicing, finance and payment processing. Harpell-LeMien resides in Laconia.