Nancy Connors, Branch Services Representative, Meredith Village Savings Bank, Wolfeboro
New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp (NHMB) and sister companies Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB), Merrimack County Savings Bank (the Merrimack), Savings Bank of Walpole and NHTrust are proud to support Zonta Club of Concord’s educational campaign promoting awareness about the COVID-19 vaccinations. The Zonta Club has produced and distributed buttons featuring Rosie the Riveter with messages that read “Can’t Wait to Vaccinate!” and “Got the Shot!”. They have been distributed to employees who are now proudly wearing and displaying their buttons. Zonta is also distributing the pins throughout the local community.
Angela Strozewski, EVP, Senior Operations Officer and member of the NHMB COVID-19 awareness committee, was originally approached by the Zonta Club to help spread the word about vaccination awareness and education. The committee began meeting each week day before work hours in March of 2020 with a goal of protecting the health and safety of employees and their families, customers and the overall community. They have done this by staying apprised of information coming from the experts, offering awareness and education to their staff, and following guidelines on decreasing the spread of the virus. In addition, staff were offered extra financial support on two occasions to mitigate unexpected pandemic related financial concerns, and the entire organization was given an extra holiday so that they would have time off during the holiday season. “We are empathetic to the enormous uncertainty our people were forced to endure because of COVID-19. It is our priority to show how much we appreciate all that they’ve sacrificed and their ability to step up to the plate time and again,” noted Gregg Tewksbury, President and CEO of NHMB.
“A big focus of the committee has been to educate staff on how to protect themselves from COVID-19,” noted Strozewski. “When I was approached by the Zonta Club to help them promote this effort, we felt it was a great program that our employees would enjoy. We also thought it would support our education efforts with our employees and customers.”
“We understand getting vaccinated is a very personal decision,” continued Tewksbury. “We also recognize that until the vast majority of people are vaccinated both in this country and across the world, the risks from COVID-19 do not end. It’s because of this knowledge that we strongly encourage all employees to become vaccinated when their time comes, as we believe this will be our best path forward towards a more normal operating environment at work. It will also be the quickest way for all of us to return to doing the many things we each love to do with our families and friends when we are not at work.”
The Zonta Club of Concord is affiliated with a worldwide service organization of successful professionals from all walks of life working together to improve the status of women and girls. The organization is focused on service and was chartered in 1959. Zonta members volunteer time, talents and provide resources to local and international service projects, as well as to scholarship and award programs aimed at furthering women’s education, leadership and youth development. For more information, visit zontaclubofconcordnh.org.