We’ve partnered with our sister banks, Merrimack County Savings Bank (the Merrimack) and Savings Bank of Walpole to launch our annual community photo contest for 2021. Winning full color photographs will be featured on four websites: MVSB, Savings Bank of Walpole, New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp (NHMB) and NHTrust, as well as in desktop and wall versions of complimentary community calendars for all three community banks. Photos may also be selected for holiday cards and note cards.

White Horse Ledge by Mike Weinhold
This will be the fourth year we will be accepting electronic submissions only. All eligible entries must be submitted electronically through a dedicated link located on each bank’s website.
“Winning photos will share the story of our communities, including images of NH events, scenery, intriguing architecture and local attractions,” noted Debbie Irwin, Assistant Vice President and Marketing Officer. “Each year, the photos are more beautiful and interesting, and we look forward to this annual event and producing wonderful community calendars for our customers and friends.”
The contest will run from Monday, May 3, 2021 through midnight, Monday, May 31, 2021.
Because of differences in photo specifications, there are two categories participants can enter– one for the website and social media photographs and one for images to feature in each bank’s annual community calendar. All photos submitted will automatically be considered for all organizations, and photographers will be awarded $100 for every winning photo. A maximum of five (5) photos per photographer can be submitted for each category. MVSB, the Merrimack and Savings Bank of Walpole will each release a unique calendar containing photos that are local to the communities they serve, so submitted photos can be from anywhere in the state of NH.
Visit mvsb.com/photo-contest to learn more or to submit your photos!