From left, Beth J. Slepian, Granite VNA President/CEO, stands at the Granite VNA office in Laconia with Jessica Ruel, MVSB Branch & Business Development Manager, Denise Hubbard, MVSB Vice President & Mortgage Loan Program Officer, and Joe Collie, MVSB Business Development Officer.
We are proud to purchase $5,000 in tax credits through the Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) to support Granite VNA in its upcoming efforts to renovate its Laconia office at 780 North Main Street.
“We are pleased to begin the planning stages of our renovation and look to start construction in 2024,” said Beth Slepian, MBA, PT, President and CEO of Granite VNA. “The updated space will serve as a new multi-use meeting area to be used for preventative wellness programs and bereavement support groups. We greatly appreciate the community support we have received and look forward to sharing progress updates in the future.”
“Quality home care and services are so essential to supporting individuals and families in the times that they need it most,” said Jessica Ruel, Branch & Business Development Manager. “We are so proud to lend our support to this project that will help Granite VNA grow their offerings to assist our Lakes Region communities.”
As the largest home health and hospice provider in New Hampshire, Granite VNA offers people of all ages a wide range of personalized services and programs including home care, hospice, palliative, pediatric and maternal child health services, and wellness programming. Go to granitevna.org to learn more.
CDFA tax credits allow businesses to fund qualifying economic or community development projects in exchange for a tax credit that can be applied against state business tax payments. The tax credits are administered by the New Hampshire CDFA. Any business with operations in New Hampshire that contributes to a CDFA tax credit project receives a New Hampshire state tax credit worth 75 percent of their contribution. The credit can be used over a period of five years to reduce the business’ state tax liability (business profits, business enterprise, or insurance premium taxes). The tax credit program allows New Hampshire businesses to use their state tax dollars to support local projects that they care about. CDFA reviews many project applications each year, and awards tax credits to those they determine are feasible and will make the biggest impact on economic development in the state. Visit nhcdfa.org for more information.